Along Came A Spider
by Alana Thrower
Along Came A Spider
Alana Thrower
Photograph - Photography
Many people are frightened by spiders. They are not entirely lovely. Their webs are sticky and catch our clothing and skin. Movies have made villains of them to help increase our fear. All I can say is "They eat bugs." It's a good thing.
This image has been FEATURED in the following groups:
KINGDOM Animalia 11-29-2016
Macro Marvels 12-01-2016
Nature Landmarks Landscapes Wildlife 12-30-2016
Animal Photographs 01-18-2017
Wildlife ONE A DAY 01-18-2017
New FAA uploads 03-06-2017
500 and Beyond Fine Art Group 03-29-2017
BUGs BUGs and More BUGs 08-15-2017
World We See Group 08-20-2017
All Natural Beauty of This World 01-09-2018
Arts Fantastic World 01-24-2018
Animal Mania 10-28-2018
USA Photographers 07-09-2020
Your Very Best Photography 07-18-2020
Images That Excite You 07-23-2020
Mind Blowing Photography 10-12-2021
Crazy Artists 10-25-2021
Animals 10-28-2021
10 Plus 10-30-2021
“Bugs” photo of the day on the USA Photographers group home page 7/9/2020!
November 26th, 2016
Comments (41)
John M Bailey
Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"
Alana Thrower
Thank you so much Robert for featuring my photo in the group Your Very Best Photography!
Judy Vincent
Excellent capture! This will be the “Bugs” photo of the day on the USA Photographers group home page for 7/9/2020!
Alana Thrower replied:
Thank you so much Judy for featuring my photo and for making it photo of the day!
Miroslava Jurcik
And love your description !! Actually I heard some new statistics were insect is decreasing rapidly and that could get us into trouble as they have a important role to play keeping our planet going !!
Miroslava Jurcik
Congratulations, your stunning image has been chosen for the Best of the best gallery in Kingdom Animalia, you can now add it to the best of the best group discussion tab !! l/f/t/p/fb
Luther Fine Art
Congratulations,! Your artwork has been Featured by the - ABC GROUP Y IS FOR YIKES theme! You are invited to archive it in the Feature thread LF
Alana Thrower
Thank you so much Beth for featuring my photo in the group"All Natural Beauty of This World"!
Laurie Search
Oh my gosh, how fascinating!! Fantastic image, Alana, but I would not ever want to meet this guy, lol!!! :))))vf