Window in Time
by Alana Thrower
Window in Time
Alana Thrower
Photograph - Photography
The view through the window of an old truck gives a feeling of times past. This photo was taken in Glenwood Springs, Colorado in late summer.
This image has been FEATURED in the following groups:
Old and Used 11-27-2015
Greeting Cards for All Occasions 11-29-2015
Artists Best Five Artwork Group ABFA Group 12-12-2015
10 Plus 12-14-2015
Images That Excite You 12-15-2015
WHAT Interrobang 1 a day 12-17-2015
Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery 12-25-2015
All Seasons Photography Only-One per day 01-03-2016
1 Weekly- ALL Stars 01-17-2016
Arts Fantastic World 01-18-2016
All Art Welcome 01-22-2016
The World We See Group 01-25-2016
Forward exposure 01-28-2016
Lady Photographers and Artists 05-06-2016
500 Views-1 Image a Day 05-14-2016
500 Views Share Group 05-28-2016
Seen But Not Noticed 07-26-2016
Artists Cards: Fine Art Greeting Cards 03-11-2017
ABC Group-Open Week 05-25-2017
HDR Photography 06-09-2017
Your Very Best Photography 06-09-2017
500 And Beyond Fine Art Group 06-20-2017
Digital Art and Photography For A Simple Imagination 09-12-2017
Crazy Artists 11-06-2018
Forgotten by Time 02-15-2022
All COLORADO 10-26-2022
Finnish Photography 11-04-2022
Photographic Camera Art 01-12-2023
Share Your Favorite Photography 10-06-2024
The Art workshop 10-10-2024
Fine Art America Professionals 10-10-2024
This image was a "Top Finisher" in the on line contest W is for Window sponsored by the ABC Group on 06-18-2017.
July 30th, 2015
Comments (115)
Alana Thrower 22 Days Ago
Thank you so much Nader for featuring my photo in the group Fine Art America Professionals!
Alana Thrower 22 Days Ago
Thank you so much Anas for featuring my photo in the group The Art workshop!
Rainbow Artist Orlando L 25 Days Ago
Absolutely a brilliant and sensational capture that gave me a time traveling experience Alana! love the exquisite garden scene framed by the window. the vibrant plants contrasting with the dull truck is very exciting!! L/F
Alana Thrower 26 Days Ago
Thank you so much Matthew for featuring my photo in the group Share Your Favorite Photography!
Don Columbus
Congratulations, your work is Featured in "Photographic Camera Art" I invite you to place it in the group's "2020-2023 Featured Image Archive" Discussion!
Luther Fine Art
Congratulations! Your camera art has been nominated as a Special Feature by a fellow artist Camera Art member for your superb art in Camera Art Group!! You are invited to post your art in the "Special Feature Archive Discussion" in the Camera Art group. Please share the love by nominating a fellow artist whose work is in Camera Art You can do that in the specific "Artist Special Feature Nomination" discussion in the Camera Art Group.
Brian Tada
Such a great composition with awesome colors, symbolism and perspective, Alana! Love how this heralds new life! Nominating for a Special Feature in the Camera Art Group. F/L
Pamela Smale Williams
Great summery shot with a captivating perspective Alana! I like that it's an old truck but has flowers as the focus! L/Twt @ArtsyBoomer_TX ArtographyPamela